Nowadays whenever i come out from my IT class, i feel shattered and my self confidence broken into millions(read crores, Indian system!!) pieces. The mirror which i along with others are shown, for our corporate/job preparedness makes me feel terrible. How do i tell you that my entire future planning/whishful thinking (courtsey: My lecturer) lies groaning in front of me.
Adding pinch of salt to my wound is recent news reports which i keep coming across nowadays (i don't read usually but our lecturers' warning regarding the placement made me do this). One of the reports of NASSCOM in which it's chief announced that there will be no impact of recession on IT sector in india as companies will continue to spend for running their companies cost effectively (yeeyee I like these kind of person who talk optimistic).
While i was relaxing my heart, body and mind, Forrester research woke me up from my dream saying that global demand of technology will grow at half the pace next year. They also elaborate that Indian firm's CEOs have started feeling impact in terms of delayed decision making and actual effect will surface only next financial year i.e 2012, which is the year of our placement (ghrrr..!!).
Getting these contradictory reports i frantically started looking for reports which reduces my fear of recession and you know what i got one. This study tells that indian cloud market sets to go up by 33% and touch magical figures by 2020.
Now am i suppose to wait till 2018 and reap benefits of good cloud market !! I am so confused and that's the reason i am posting this either you gimme some nice sounding advice or get more confused than me.. :)
Have a good time :)
If you listen in business sense classes, you will realize some basic truths. do not believe anyone, as no one can predict the future. Simply make your current day better than yesterday and taken one step towards something...